Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dorm #6: Jester

With Jester being the largest dorm on campus, you would expect it to have it’s own subculture apart from every other dorm on campus. When you first walk in to Jester, you can immediately see fliers and banners hanging everywhere. The dorm is filled with upcoming activities. Also there are a ton of eating options to choose from. The options range from J2, Jester’s premier dining hall, and Wendy’s. As I observed Jester, these are the things that people told me and also things I discovered:

    Most people do not study at the dorm because of there being too many distractions. They will usually just choose to study at the nearby library, the PCL.
   The dining hall chatter is filled with upcoming parties and who’s doing what.
   People are never in their dorm because there’s always something going on elsewhere.
   You hear about upcoming parties just from the people walking around.
   J2 is considered the hang out spot whenever it’s open.
   You will always run in to at least one person you know when you’re walking around.
   It doesn’t matter how you look until the weekend comes.

After these observations, I realized that Jester truly is it’s own subculture. There are things that are done here that are acceptable that would get you judgmental glances at another dorm. For instance, coming in at 4 am wasted is seen as the norm and no one really cares. Jester’s subculture can be described as having a 24-hour party atmosphere. Its values are centered towards building social networks and partying.


JCL: One of Jester's many dining options


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